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In my last post we delved into some of what you can expect at Indonesian golf clubs. Now let us conclude the series.

Family Vacations and Weekend Outings

You will be happy to discover the various resorts on the Indonesian Archipelago that offer golfing vacations. City dwellers can enjoy the mountain retreats, such as Handara Golf & Resort Bali, where the facilities include a spa, excellent accommodation, swimming pools, restaurants, driving ranges, pro shops, tennis courts, golf cards, whirlpools and saunas. These can also make an excellent getaway for families on the weekends.

Pros and Cons of Indonesian Golf

It is always good to know what you are getting into so let’s look at some of the pros are as follows:

  • The golf courses are quite scenic, well-manicured and maintained, have plenty of flowers and are generally not crowded especially on Saturday morning. Some golf courses, such as our own course at Handara, are situated in stunning locations.
  • It is very affordable to play golf In Indonesia although it can be expensive in some locations.
  • There are plenty of caddies who offer excellent service and our very experienced.
  • The courses often have club houses of international standards. You can enjoy amenities such as Jacuzzi, bar, massage parlor, locker rooms, shower, pedicure and manicure services.


Golf Handara Indonesia
The cons include the following:

  • There are kids on the golf course selling second hand balls that have been retrieved from the course. I have even had a dog steal my ball from about 2 yards from the pin!
  • You may find some courses quite crowded when you want to play on a Saturday morning. Playing 18 holes can take as many as five and a half hours.
  • The courses are divided into cart courses and walking courses. If walking the long distances, especially in light of the humidity and heat is too much for you, play on the cart golf courses.
  • It is possible to suffer heat stroke so stock up on fluids and stay hydrated. Be sure to wear sunscreen before going out on the course and a hat is of course mandatory in this climate.

At the end of the day, golfing in Indonesia is incredible and for those of you lucky enough to live here then you have a huge choice of golf courses to choose from. Hopefully you will get some time to come visit us at Handara Golf & Resort Bali to play one of the most famous courses in Indonesia.

I look forward to seeing you out on the course some time soon.