In the last newsletter the success of the walking tournament was remarked upon. It seems to have started a trend. The club has acquired more trolleys or push carts (I’m not entirely sure about the nomenclature of such things, especially when writing for an International audience) and they are getting used. Of course, the 55% discount of members green fees has to be helping but there are many people very happy. Member Ian Wedding remarked that he plays better Golf when he walks as he has time to consider his shot from a distance, more truly gauging the shot that is required to get him up the fairway and onto the green. He said his caddy is happy too as she can get fit for free and lose a little unwanted weight.
Marketing have produced this lovely poster that’s now hanging in the clubhouse, reminding us, should we need it of the benefits of walking while playing golf.
So I encourage you to give it a try. I’m finding it very therapeutic even if I do need a little breather when arriving at tee boxes 2 and 18. Long live Fit Golf.